Growing up, my parents limited and monitored the entertainment that I was exposed to; being cautiously aware that what kids watch and hear in movies, shows, and music influences behavior, language, attitudes, mindsets, and even relationships. Now in my twenties, I can see that their example and discretion have built a foundation in me: selecting entertainment that is glorifying to the Lord and edifying to my heart and mind.
As a camp, we see upfront the effects that media exposure can have on today’s children & teens. Every summer our staff notices stark contrasts in language, jokes, and humor between girls who have been monitored on their media exposure compared to those who haven’t. During staff training at Mt. Gilead Camp, the leadership staff takes extra time to teach counselors not to reference any secular movies, songs, or artists for this very reason. We know that everything we mention to young girls can be seen as an endorsement.
Now, more than ever it is harder to monitor what kids are being exposed to with so many streaming services, entertainment exposure, and social media platforms.
As parents, you may find it difficult yourself to navigate and parse through what your kids are watching. Focus on the Family outlines different ways to best protect your kids on multiple different streaming services.
“Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Entertainment” by Carol Cuppy
Author, pastor, and father, Tony Reinke, from Desiring God, provides 12 helpful parenting tips on how you can best regulate what your kids are filling their hearts and minds with, in this highly digitized generation.
“Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age” by Tony Reinke
If you are struggling to find good, wholesome, family-friendly content, Pureflix provides a free trial for streaming movies and series and entertainment resources for all ages. “Adventures In Odessey” is a faith-based drama radio series enjoyed by kids and families.